ملتقى أصحاب الرهاب هل تعاني من الرهاب ...؟ لست وحدك في ذلك!... |
أدوات الموضوع |
24-10-2018, 11:22 PM | #1 | |||
عضو جديد
اعاني من عزلة غريبة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله..
يا جماعة انا مشكلتي انني انطوائي لدرجة بعيدة جدا.. كلما حاولت التحدث مع شخص يكون كلامي مرتبكا و غير ذو معنى.. لدي بعض اعراض الرهاب مثل التضايق من نظرات الناس و عدم القدرة على القيام بانشطة امام الناس اما بقية الاعراض الجسمانية(نوبات الهلع.. دقات القلب.. التعرق.. الخ) فليست لدي والحمدلله.. انا اعرف ان شخصيتي مختلفة تماما ولكن هناك حاجز يمنعني من التواصل مع الناس,, لقد قرأت عن الرهاب كثيرا في المواقع الاجنبية ووجدت مقالا يصف حالتي بدقة سأضعه هنا ,, وارجو منكم مساعدتي وخاصة إستشاريي المنتدى ملاحظة: انا لم اقم بزيارة معالج من قبل لأن منطقتي ليست بها عيادات فقط قرأت بكثافة عن الرهاب في الإنترنت The Profile of Socially Awkward People Socially awkward persons possess a set of distinctive traits. The more of these traits you have and the larger their degree, the higher on the social awkwardness scale you’re likely to be. Here they are: 1. Feeling nervous in social settings. The typical socially awkward person doesn’t feel comfortable in social situations. They are anxiety producing. This is one of the main factors that often make them behave in weird ways around other people. Nervousness leads to a creepy demeanor, and realizing that your demeanor is creepy creates even more nervousness, so we have an ongoing negative cycle. 2. Not understanding social norms. Often when I talk with a socially awkward person, they l me they often don’t know what’s appropriate for them to do and what’s not in a social situation. They don’t know how is it OK to start a conversation, what conversation topics is it best to talk about and when, or what is it suited to joke about and what is it not. Obviously, this lack of understanding can lead to either weird or shy behavior. 3. Often having a different impact than intended. It’s common for socially awkward people to joke about something and others to find the joke uncalled for, or to try and give a compliment, only for it to come off in a distasteful way. In other words, they intend to generate one result, and they end up generating a totally different one. This mismatch is a sign of a deficiency of social calibration. 4. The lack of conversation flow. Everybody has conversations that don’t flow, have awkward silences or end abruptly. But for socially awkward people, this is the rule, not the exception. Their conversations are habitually like a rough wagon ride on a bumpy country road. 5. Frequently being avoided or ridiculed by others. If others actively try to dodge interactions with you, or they often mock you during them, they probably see you as the weird person in the group. And if they see you this way, it can be a sign that your social behavior is awkward and makes it easy to attract the derision of others. 6. The lack of meaningful connections with others. Since they struggle with making conversation, feeling at ease around others and expressing themselves effectively, socially awkward people typically lack strong connections with others. They generally have few friends, if any, and a very small social circle. They spend a lot of time alone and to say their social life is less than fulfilling is an understatement. المصدر: نفساني
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