المسلم أخو المسلم لا يظلمه ولا يسلمه، من كان في حاجة أخيه كان الله في حاجته، ومن فرج عن مسلم كربة فرج الله عنه بها كربة من كرب يوم القيامة، ومن ستر مسلماً ستره الله يوم القيامة.


العودة   نفساني > ملتقيات التجارب الشخصية والأبحاث > ملتقى أصحاب الرهاب

ملتقى أصحاب الرهاب هل تعاني من الرهاب ...؟ لست وحدك في ذلك!...

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع
قديم 10-06-2017, 07:25 AM   #61
عمر عبدالله
( عضو دائم ولديه حصانه )
[ نفس منفوسه ]

الصورة الرمزية عمر عبدالله
عمر عبدالله غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 54478
 تاريخ التسجيل :  09 2016
 أخر زيارة : اليوم (04:46 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,805 [ + ]
 التقييم :  16
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Saddlebrown

In this session we are going to discuss and begin to solve a problem that has plagued most of us for a long long time. This is the issue of anger and anxiety and how these two negative emotions are tied together in our minds. This subject has been deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy saved until the end of the series because it takes a solid cognitive foundation first for you to begin to put this into place into your life effectively. As you already know by this time not everyone was social anxiety disorder is alike. But the vast majority of us have a history of unpleasantness stemming from our childhood be it a daily barrage of criticism emotional upheaval as in the home or family being put down by peers at school or some other emotionally traumatic event that we had to live through when we were younger. Since we are all different some of you may not have had a negative childhood and you may not need to use this next method. But listen to it please and judge for yourself because if you do need it it is an essential piece of the social anxiety puzzle. When we were younger we could not talk back or be assertive with those who are then in control of our lives. For example if an adult was critical of you while you were growing up his criticisms may have hurt and stung you but in most cases. You could not answer back because of your natural anxiety and fear. As children in adolescence we did not have the ability and many times the permission to be assertive. So what did we do with all the anger that was created in us because of these experiences. Since we couldn't get the anger out we buried it or repressed it. We couldn't fight back at that time and we weren't allowed to express our anger so what else could we do but hold it in. We have been holding in our anger for many many years. It is this buried anger that contributes to the vicious cycle of social anxiety. Now we need to be careful because anger is one of the more negative emotions. We want to be able to release our buried anger that is anger from the past without having to go back and revisit it. It will do us no good at all to go back and try to remember all the injustices we suffered at a younger age. That will only fan and fuel our symptoms and make everything worse. What we need to do is allow our minds to release let go and set free of varied anger from the past so the past no longer has any power over us. Know that the secret to doing this however is that we handle the buried anger in irrational positive manner we are not going to fan it or fuit we are not going to exacerbate it or deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy try to bring it to the surface. We need to handle anger in a general way. Not by remembering anything specific at all but simply by giving your brain permission to release this pent up anger in any legitimate way that it can. Notice we are not forgiving anyone here and we are not doing any analyzing about this we are simply going with the facts we have some buried repressed anger and us that occurred as a result of other people at another time in our lives. Nevertheless it is buried or repressed and our minds and we have to be the ones to let it go. This we will do in a general way not by looking for anything under the microscope. Let's begin the process with a few things you can say to yourself that will help. Edit this statement in any way that you want but you should say something along these lines. I have very repressed anger inside me due to years in years of emotional abuse. This is legitimate anger and I have every right to be angry. I was younger when this happened to me and I didn't know how to handle these situations. That's perfectly normal. Even though this was entirely unfair I know that complaining about it or rehashing it over and over will just make things worse. It does mean no good to dwell on these things anymore. In fact the more I do on the past the angrier and more helpless I feel. Instead I choose to move forward with my life. Although I cannot forget what happened in the past I can let go. Go of the emotional feelings the anger that is buried in my mind. Repressed anger is holding me back from living the kind of life I want to live. So for myself and for my own healing I let go of those old very negative emotions I set them free I release them I let them go. I give my brain permission to set those negative emotions free whether I am asleep or awake conscious or not conscious. I am going to live in the present and be free of the emotional garbage of the past. Our next hand out will help you to be able to set any buried or repressed anger free. It is called letting go of the negative past. Keep in mind that all you need to do is give your brain permission to let the negative repressed emotions go. After you have done that go on to something else that is all you need to do. However read this hand over every day for a while until you sense or feel a change in regard to your feelings about the past. That is you will still remember everything that happened to you at a younger age but there will come a time when there is no negative emotion associated with it. It is a fact but no longer do you need to feel any negative emotional Paul. What do I mean. I had some very negative things happen to me as a child. There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't criticized or put down or be low. Addled. I could never have my own opinion because I was always wrong. And because this bullying was so intense I could not fight back at my age. I buried all my anger years in years of it because there was no possible way I could have been assertive while this was going on. So as an adult my dilemma became how do I move beyond my past so that it no longer has such a negative emotional grip on me. And the solution to this dilemma was letting my mind release all my repressed anger. This process always takes some time to accomplish and you must stick with it. Making this statement one time is not going to do the trick. But if you go over this hand out every day until you notice some changes you will be on the right path. We do not want to be held back because of the buried anger inside us. That is our motive and that is why we are allowing our mind to let it go.
قضية القلق و الغضب السلبيه و علاقة ارتباطهما في اذهاننا . لابد ان تعرف ان الجميع لا يعانون من القلق الاجتماعي على حد سواء. الغالبيه العظمى منا لديهم ماضي سئ في طفولتهم
من الحوادث الصادمه عاطفيا مع عائلاتهم او زملائهم في المدرسه .وبما اننا جميعا مختلفون البعض منكم ربما لم يعش طفوله سيئه فلا تحتاجون الى تطبيق هذه الطريقه.
عندما كنا صغارا لم يكن بمقدورنا الرد على من يتحكمون في حياتنا او نكون حازمين معهم . للمثال اذا كان هناك شخص كثير الانتقاد فيك في طفولتك فإن انتقاداته قد تؤذيك وتلحق بك الاذى.
ولكنك لا تستطيع الرد عليه بسبب طبيعه قلقك و خوفك. ولأنك كنت طفلا فلم يكن لديك القدره على تكون حازما معه . اذن ماذا نفعل مع كميه الغضب التي خُلقت و ترسبت في نفوسنا بسبب تلك الخبرات السلبيه الماضيه .
لم يكن بإستطاعتنا ان ندفنها او نقمعها ولم يكن بمقدورنا ان نقاتل دفاعا عن انفسنا في ذاك الوقت ولم يُسمح لنا ان نعبر عن غضبنا اذن ماذا نفعل .تمهل !
لابد ان نحذر لإن الغضب واحد من اكثر المشاعر سلبيه . نريد ان نطلق غضبنا من جميع المظالم التي عانينا منها في صغرنا . ما نحتاج الى فعله هو تحرير اذهاننا
من كمية الغضب تلك حتى لا يكون للماضي سلطه علينا . السر فيما سنقوم به هو ان نتعامل مع غضبنا بطريقه ايجابيه سنتعامل مع غضبنا بشكل عام . ليس من خلال
تذكر احداث ماضينا ولكن ببساطه سنعطي اذناً لأدمغتنا لإطلاق غضبنا بطريقه شرعيه . لاحظ اننا هنا لسنا بصدد ان نغفر لأي احد ولا ان نقوم بتحليل مشاعر غضبنا نحن
ببساطه سوف نسمح لاذهاننا بأن تطلقها .

لنبدأ العمليه مع بعض العبارات التي يمكن ان تقولها لنفسك و من شأنها ان تساعدك . قم بتحرير العباره على هذا النحو .

( لقد قمت بقمع غضبي الناتج من الاعتداء العاطفي لسنوات و سنوات , و الغضب مشروع و لدي الحق لأن اغضب .
كنت صغيرا عندما حدث لي هذا و لم اكن اعرف كيفية التعامل مع هذه الحالات وهذا امر طبيعي .
على الرغم من أن هذا كان غير عادل تماما !! و اعلم ان كثرة التذمر مرارا و تكرارا سيجعل الامور اكثر سوءا فقط .
وبدلا من ذلك اخترت المضي قدما في حياتي على الرغم من أنني لا يمكن ان انسى ما حدث لي في الماضي .
لأجل نفسي و شفائي اسمح للمشاعر السلبيه القديمه ان تتحرر سواء كنت نائما او مستيقظا , واعيا او لا واعيا .
سوف اعيش الحاضر و احرر نفسي من ماضيّ ومن تلك المشاعر السلبيه )

طريقتنا التاليه قد تساعدك على ان تكون قادرا على تحرير اي غضب مكبوت و تسمى التخلي عن الماضي السلبي .

ضع بعين الاعتبار ان كل ما تحتاج ان تفعله هو ان تعطي اذناً لذهنك من ان يطلق المشاعر السلبيه .
بعد ان تفعل ذلك دعها تذهب الى اي شئ اخر و هذا هو كل ما عليك القيام به . اقرأ هذا الجانب كل يوم لفتره من الوقت حتى تشعر بتغيير فيما يتعلق بمشاعرك حول الماضي .
هذا و سوف تزال تذكر كل ما حدث لك في صغرك و لكن سوف يأتي الوقت الذي تختفي فيه تلك المشاعر السلبيه . انها حقيقه لا حاجه الى ان تشعر بتلك المشاعر السلبيه .
حدثت لي بعض المواقف السلبيه عندما كنت طفلا . لم اتمكن من ابداء رأيي الخاص لأنني كنت دائما مخطئا .
و دفنت كل غضبي لسنوات لانه لم يكن هناك طريقه . و كان حل تلك المعضله هو السماح لذهني في اطلاق كل غضبي المكبوت .
هذه العمليه تستغرق وقتا لانجازها يجب ان تلتزم بها حتى تلاحظ بعض التغييرات .

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة عمر عبدالله ; 10-06-2017 الساعة 07:31 AM

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 08:39 AM   #62
عمر عبدالله
( عضو دائم ولديه حصانه )
[ نفس منفوسه ]

الصورة الرمزية عمر عبدالله
عمر عبدالله غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 54478
 تاريخ التسجيل :  09 2016
 أخر زيارة : اليوم (04:46 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,805 [ + ]
 التقييم :  16
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Saddlebrown

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هنووووف مشاهدة المشاركة
طيب ممكن تتفق انت وتباشير تترجمونها عشان ماتصير كلها عليك ترجم انت قسم وهي جزء وهكذا حتى تسهل ومايصير الحمل كله عليك ! وحتى ماطول وتاخذ وقت اساسا هي المشكلة اخذت معاي وقت هذا اقتراحي حتى تخلص بسرعة😥😭😭
تباشير يكفيها ما فيها احنا المكتئبين احيانا و احيان كثيره تتسد نفسنا عن قراءة كلمتين على بعض بالعربيه فمابالك بلغه غير لغتنا
طالما بديت بترجمة الجلسه راح انهيها بأذن الله و لا تنسيها و تنسي زمالك يا حبي و تنسيني و الجميع من صالح دعواتك


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 09:36 AM   #63
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عمر عبدالله مشاهدة المشاركة
تباشير يكفيها ما فيها احنا المكتئبين احيانا و احيان كثيره تتسد نفسنا عن قراءة كلمتين على بعض بالعربيه فمابالك بلغه غير لغتنا
طالما بديت بترجمة الجلسه راح انهيها بأذن الله و لا تنسيها و تنسي زمالك يا حبي و تنسيني و الجميع من صالح دعواتك
لا ، ماراح انسى كل من وقف جنبي من الدعاء ولا راح انساك على المجهود الي بذلته والله لكل من وقف جنبي الدعاء له قليل 😥


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 12:12 PM   #64
عمر عبدالله
( عضو دائم ولديه حصانه )
[ نفس منفوسه ]

الصورة الرمزية عمر عبدالله
عمر عبدالله غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 54478
 تاريخ التسجيل :  09 2016
 أخر زيارة : اليوم (04:46 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,805 [ + ]
 التقييم :  16
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Saddlebrown

الله يتقبل دعواتك لنا

In this session we are going to discuss and begin to solve a problem that has plagued most of us for a long long time. This is the issue of anger and anxiety and how these two negative emotions are tied together in our minds. This subject has been deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy saved until the end of the series because it takes a solid cognitive foundation first for you to begin to put this into place into your life effectively. As you already know by this time not everyone was social anxiety disorder is alike. But the vast majority of us have a history of unpleasantness stemming from our childhood be it a daily barrage of criticism emotional upheaval as in the home or family being put down by peers at school or some other emotionally traumatic event that we had to live through when we were younger. Since we are all different some of you may not have had a negative childhood and you may not need to use this next method. But listen to it please and judge for yourself because if you do need it it is an essential piece of the social anxiety puzzle. When we were younger we could not talk back or be assertive with those who are then in control of our lives. For example if an adult was critical of you while you were growing up his criticisms may have hurt and stung you but in most cases. You could not answer back because of your natural anxiety and fear. As children in adolescence we did not have the ability and many times the permission to be assertive. So what did we do with all the anger that was created in us because of these experiences. Since we couldn't get the anger out we buried it or repressed it. We couldn't fight back at that time and we weren't allowed to express our anger so what else could we do but hold it in. We have been holding in our anger for many many years. It is this buried anger that contributes to the vicious cycle of social anxiety. Now we need to be careful because anger is one of the more negative emotions. We want to be able to release our buried anger that is anger from the past without having to go back and revisit it. It will do us no good at all to go back and try to remember all the injustices we suffered at a younger age. That will only fan and fuel our symptoms and make everything worse. What we need to do is allow our minds to release let go and set free of varied anger from the past so the past no longer has any power over us. Know that the secret to doing this however is that we handle the buried anger in irrational positive manner we are not going to fan it or fuit we are not going to exacerbate it or deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy try to bring it to the surface. We need to handle anger in a general way. Not by remembering anything specific at all but simply by giving your brain permission to release this pent up anger in any legitimate way that it can. Notice we are not forgiving anyone here and we are not doing any analyzing about this we are simply going with the facts we have some buried repressed anger and us that occurred as a result of other people at another time in our lives. Nevertheless it is buried or repressed and our minds and we have to be the ones to let it go. This we will do in a general way not by looking for anything under the microscope. Let's begin the process with a few things you can say to yourself that will help. Edit this statement in any way that you want but you should say something along these lines. I have very repressed anger inside me due to years in years of emotional abuse. This is legitimate anger and I have every right to be angry. I was younger when this happened to me and I didn't know how to handle these situations. That's perfectly normal. Even though this was entirely unfair I know that complaining about it or rehashing it over and over will just make things worse. It does mean no good to dwell on these things anymore. In fact the more I do on the past the angrier and more helpless I feel. Instead I choose to move forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة with my life. Although I cannot forget what happened in the past I can let go. Go of the emotional feelings the anger that is buried in my mind. Repressed anger is holding me back from living the kind of life I want to live. So for myself and for my own healing I let go of those old very negative emotions I set them free I release them I let them go. I give my brain permission to set those negative emotions free whether I am asleep or awake conscious or not conscious. I am going to live in the present and be free of the emotional garbage of the past. Our next hand out will help you to be able to set any buried or repressed anger free. It is called letting go of the negative past. Keep in mind that all you need to do is give your brain permission to let the negative repressed emotions go. After you have done that go on to something else that is all you need to do. However read this hand over every day for a while until you sense or feel a change in regard to your feelings about the past. That is you will still remember everything that happened to you at a younger age but there will come a time when there is no negative emotion associated with it. It is a fact but no longer do you need to feel any negative emotional Paul. What do I mean. I had some very negative things happen to me as a child. There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't criticized or put down or be low. Addled. I could never have my own opinion because I was always wrong. And because this bullying was so intense I could not fight back at my age. I buried all my anger years in years of it because there was no possible way I could have been assertive while this was going on. So as an adult my dilemma became how do I move beyond my past so that it no longer has such a negative emotional grip on me. And the solution to this dilemma was letting my mind release all my repressed anger. This process always takes some time to accomplish and you must stick with it. Making this statement one time is not going to do the trick. But if you go over this hand out every day until you notice some changes you will be on the right path. We do not want to be held back because of the buried anger inside us. That is our motive and that is why we are allowing our mind to let it go.
Again we are not forgiving anyone and we are not excusing anyone we must be concerned here with our own health our own progress and our own life. If we had a traumatic past it was not our fault. But we want to move beyond it so that we can enjoy our present life today. This next handout is called letting go of the negative past embracing the positive and healing future. I. Accept myself for who I am. I have many good creative talents I can use to help others and myself. That old emotional baggage from the past can only drag me down so I reject it. I choose to live in the moment and be happy and content. When I am happy in the present moment it guarantees that my future will be happy. I give up and set free all the negativity of the past no matter how far down in my brain it is buried. I accept myself for who I am knowing that I am walking the road to becoming healthier. Any thought memory or experience in the past that is weighing my brain down today and causing my progress to stall I let it go I set it free I give it up. I give up anything that is buried in my past that makes me unhappy today. I take a deep breath. Loosen up my muscles feel the calmness and the peace and set free all the negative emotions of the past. I release the negative feelings that I repressed in the past. I can see they only harm me. So I release them and let them go. I watch as they disappear compleنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy into the air. Negative feelings and emotions can only weigh me down and cause me problems. So I choose to move. Howard I choose to move forward with a clear mind. I release all the negative emotion of the past. And I breathe in the positive power of my peacefulness. I accept this peace. I accept my calmness. I am free from the shame embarrassment and guilt of the past. I fully really set those negative emotions and set them free. I allow my mind to release them naturally. I choose to move forward into my peace my health and my clarity of thought. As I close my eyes I can see my own old negative feelings rise above me and disappear into the air. No longer to shame embarrassment or guilt buying me. No longer on my a captive of those negative emotions. All they do is hold me back make me miserable and make my thoughts confused and irrational. I let these negative emotions from the past go. My mind is releasing them now this very moment. As I set them free my mind feels more and more at peace. I choose peace tranquility understanding and confidence I choose to grow strong and healthy. I let go of the shackles that have held me down for so very long. I accept the good the better and the beautiful. I accept the rational truth that lies before me. And so I turn away from the old responses of the past and again I set them free. All the old negative emotions have no choice they must go away. They cannot co-exist in my mind with peace and strength and confidence. Shame guilt embarrassment and feelings of failure are nothing more than ways to hold me back. I set them free. I release them. I let them go. I accept myself and my healing. I allow my mind to work in a positive manner for my good and for my health. My strength comes now in the present as I release all my old negative emotions and deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy allow my mind to be saturated with rational realistic and healthy emotions. As I fix my gaze toward health I begin to feel peace string of confidence power and clarity. This feeling of peace and security is already inside me. And it will go stronger with time. I am in touch with my peace my calmness and my tranquility. Inside my peace there is. As healing and power. I accept these as part of my new life. No old negative emotion can stand in I way. I only accept this peace power confidence and healing. These emotions are much more powerful than anything from my past. Inside my peace I can find myself. I can find my purpose in life. I can find answers to all of my questions. Inside my quietness and my peace I can find my new life. So I accept them peace power calmness strength clarity of mind and purpose. They are mine. Please note again that your brain will take some time to accomplish the task of setting the buried in repressed emotions free. Be patient with yourself and with the process. Most people continue this until they can say that they still remember what happened to them as children but now there is no negative emotional feeling there. This is what happened to me I used to get very angry about my past and what was done to me as a child and an adolescent. But as I learned to set these buried emotions free and move forward with my life there came a time that I could look back see all the things that happened but no longer have the feeling of anger. I still know that it was wrong to do what was. Done To Me I am not making excuses for anyone's behavior. But for my own healing I had to let go of the emotional nightmares of my past. If I hadn't let them go I would still be bound by them. So read this over every day if it is a major piece of the social anxiety puzzle for you. You don't need to do anything else this process should be peaceable and calming. Stay away from any specifics or any delving into the past and just read over the handout it each day. You will get to your goal faster in this manner. To help further a more detailed and relaxing version of letting go of the negative past is on side B. of tape nineteen in this series. So as another means of moving forward and ahead in your life you can listen to this message on tape nineteen Any time you wish. You will have this token to you in a calm and peaceful manner and you have it in written hand out form as well. Choose whichever method works best for you or do both if you find that's more helpful

قضية القلق و الغضب السلبيه و علاقة ارتباطهما في اذهاننا . لابد ان تعرف ان الجميع لا يعانون من القلق الاجتماعي على حد سواء. الغالبيه العظمى منا لديهم ماضي سئ في طفولتهم
من الحوادث الصادمه عاطفيا مع عائلاتهم او زملائهم في المدرسه .وبما اننا جميعا مختلفون البعض منكم ربما لم يعش طفوله سيئه فلا تحتاجون الى تطبيق هذه الطريقه.
عندما كنا صغارا لم يكن بمقدورنا الرد على من يتحكمون في حياتنا او نكون حازمين معهم . للمثال اذا كان هناك شخص كثير الانتقاد فيك في طفولتك فإن انتقاداته قد تؤذيك وتلحق بك الاذى.
ولكنك لا تستطيع الرد عليه بسبب طبيعه قلقك و خوفك. ولأنك كنت طفلا فلم يكن لديك القدره على تكون حازما معه . اذن ماذا نفعل مع كميه الغضب التي خُلقت و ترسبت في نفوسنا بسبب تلك الخبرات السلبيه الماضيه .
لم يكن بإستطاعتنا ان ندفنها او نقمعها ولم يكن بمقدورنا ان نقاتل دفاعا عن انفسنا في ذاك الوقت ولم يُسمح لنا ان نعبر عن غضبنا اذن ماذا نفعل .تمهل !
لابد ان نحذر لإن الغضب واحد من اكثر المشاعر سلبيه . نريد ان نطلق غضبنا من جميع المظالم التي عانينا منها في صغرنا . ما نحتاج الى فعله هو تحرير اذهاننا
من كمية الغضب تلك حتى لا يكون للماضي سلطه علينا . السر فيما سنقوم به هو ان نتعامل مع غضبنا بطريقه ايجابيه سنتعامل مع غضبنا بشكل عام . ليس من خلال
تذكر احداث ماضينا ولكن ببساطه سنعطي اذناً لأدمغتنا لإطلاق غضبنا بطريقه شرعيه . لاحظ اننا هنا لسنا بصدد ان نغفر لأي احد ولا ان نقوم بتحليل مشاعر غضبنا نحن
ببساطه سوف نسمح لاذهاننا بأن تطلقها .

لنبدأ العمليه مع بعض العبارات التي يمكن ان تقولها لنفسك و من شأنها ان تساعدك . قم بتحرير العباره على هذا النحو .

( لقد قمت بقمع غضبي الناتج من الاعتداء العاطفي لسنوات و سنوات , و الغضب مشروع و لدي الحق لأن اغضب .
كنت صغيرا عندما حدث لي هذا و لم اكن اعرف كيفية التعامل مع هذه الحالات وهذا امر طبيعي .
على الرغم من أن هذا كان غير عادل تماما !! و اعلم ان كثرة التذمر مرارا و تكرارا سيجعل الامور اكثر سوءا فقط .
وبدلا من ذلك اخترت المضي قدما في حياتي على الرغم من أنني لا يمكن ان انسى ما حدث لي في الماضي .
لأجل نفسي و شفائي اسمح للمشاعر السلبيه القديمه ان تتحرر سواء كنت نائما او مستيقظا , واعيا او لا واعيا .
سوف اعيش الحاضر و احرر نفسي من ماضيّ ومن تلك المشاعر السلبيه )

طريقتنا التاليه قد تساعدك على ان تكون قادرا على تحرير اي غضب مكبوت و تسمى التخلي عن الماضي السلبي .

ضع بعين الاعتبار ان كل ما تحتاج ان تفعله هو ان تعطي اذناً لذهنك من ان يطلق المشاعر السلبيه .
بعد ان تفعل ذلك دعها تذهب الى اي شئ اخر و هذا هو كل ما عليك القيام به . اقرأ هذا الجانب كل يوم لفتره من الوقت حتى تشعر بتغيير فيما يتعلق بمشاعرك حول الماضي .
هذا و سوف تزال تذكر كل ما حدث لك في صغرك و لكن سوف يأتي الوقت الذي تختفي فيه تلك المشاعر السلبيه . انها حقيقه لا حاجه الى ان تشعر بتلك المشاعر السلبيه .
حدثت لي بعض المواقف السلبيه عندما كنت طفلا . لم اتمكن من ابداء رأيي الخاص لأنني كنت دائما مخطئا .
و دفنت كل غضبي لسنوات لانه لم يكن هناك طريقه . و كان حل تلك المعضله هو السماح لذهني في اطلاق كل غضبي المكبوت .
هذه العمليه تستغرق وقتا لانجازها يجب ان تلتزم بها حتى تلاحظ بعض التغييرات .

مره اخرى نحن لا نغفر و لا نعذر اي شخص . يجب ان نهتم بصحتنا , بتقدمنا , بحياتنا الخاصه .
اذا كان لدينا ماضي سئ فهذا ليس خطأنا . ولكن نريد ان تجاوزه حتى نتمكن من التمتع بحياتنا الحاضره اليوم .

يطلق على النشره القادمه التخلي عن الماضي السلبي و احتضان المستقبل الايجابي .

( اني اقبل نفسي و لدي الكثير من المواهب التي تمكنني من مساعدة نفسي و الاخرين . تلك المشاعر القديمه التي من ماضينا قادرة على اسقاطي
لذلك ارفضها . اني اختار ان اعيش حياتي الحاضره و اكون سعيدا و راضيا . عندما اكون سعيدا في الحاضر اضمن ان مستقبلي سيكون سعيدا .
اني اتخلى عن ماضيّ السلبي و اقبل نفسي كما هي لأصبح اكثر صحه . كل ذكرياتي السابقه سوف احررها و اتخلى عن كل مشاعري المدفونه
التي من شأنها ان تجعلني غير سعيد . اخذ نفس عميقا .. و ارخي عضلاتي و اشعر بالهدوء و السلام و احرر كل مشاعري السلبيه الماضيه التي تؤذيني .
لذلك احررها و اسمح لها بالذهاب . اني اشاهدها تختفي تماما في الهواء . العواطف السلبيه قادره على ارهاقي و ان تسبب لي المشكلات .
لذلك اخترت ان امضي قدما بعقل صافي و اتنفس بقوه ايجابيه لسلامتي . اني اقبل هذا السلام و الهدوء . انا حر من عار و اثم الماضي .
اني حقا احرر تلك المشاعر السلبيه و اسمح لها بالتحرر بشكل طبيعي . اخترت المضي قدما لسلامتي و صحتي و صفاء فكري .
وانا اغلق عيني استطيع ان ارى مشاعري السلبيه القديمه ترتفع فوق في الهواء و تختفي . لم يعد العار و الذنب يعتيريني
لم اعد اسيرا لتلك المشاعر السلبيه . كلها تجعلني بائسا و تجعل افكاري مشتته و غير عقلانيه . اسمح لتلك المشاعر السلبيه ان تذهب
و ان يحررها ذهني في هذه اللحظه بالذات . اني اشعر بالسلام اكثر و اكثر . اخترت ان اعيش قويا و مستصحا . اني احرر نفسي من الاغلال التي كانت تصفدني لفتره طويله جدا
اني اقبل الشئ الافضل و الجميل و ابتعد عن مشاعري السلبيه و احررها مره اخرى . كل عواطفي السلبيه القديمه لا خيار لها يجب ان تذهب .
ولا يمكن لها ان تتواجد في ذهني مع السلام و القوه و الثقه . اني اطلق سراحها و ادعها تذهب فحسب . اسمح لذهني بالعمل بطريقه ايجابيه من اجل صحتي .
اشعر بقوتي تأتي الان بالوقت الحاضر كما انني افرج عن جميع مشاعري السلبيه و اتشبع بالعقلانيه و الواقعيه و المشاعر الصحيه .
وابدأ بالشعور بالثقه و القوة و الصفاء هذا الشعور موجود بالفعل في داخلي وسوف يكون اقوى مع مرور الوقت . اني اقبله كجزء من حياتي الجديده .
لا يمكن للعواطف السلبيه القديمه ان تقف في طريقي . اني اقبل فقط الثقه و القوه و السلام . تلك المشاعر اقوى بكثير من اي شي حدث لي في الماضي .
في داخل السلام استطيع ان اجد نفسي و اجد كل الاجابات لكل اسئلتي . في داخل الهدوء و السلام يمكنني العثور على حياتي الجديدة .
لذلك اقبل السلام و الهدوء انهم ملكي )

ارجو الملاحظه ان عقلك سوف يستغرق بعض الوقت لتحرير تلك المشاعر السلبيه المدفونه . كن صبورا مع نفسك و مع هذه العمليه .
معظم الناس يستمرون حتى يتمكنوا من تذكر ما حدث لهم في طفولتهم و لكن بدون عواطف سلبيه .
هذا ما حدث لي كنت غاضبا من ماضيَ و ما فعلوه بي في طفولتي . ولكن لانني وضعت تلك المشاعر المدفونه جانبا و اخترت المضي قدما في حياتي
اصبحت قادرا على النظر الى الوراء وما حدث لي دون اي شعور بالغضب . انا لا اصنع اعذارا لسلوكياتهم و افعالهم ولكن من اجل صحتي سمحت للمشاعر السلبيه المزروعه
من ماضي ان تتحرر . اذا لم اسمح لها بالتحرر سأظل مقيدا بها .

اقرأ هذا مره تلو الاخرى كل يوم و لا تحتاج للقيام بأي شي اخر فقط اقرأ هذه النشره كل يوم و سوف تحقق هدفك اسرع بهذه الطريقه .


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 02:59 PM   #65
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عمر عبدالله مشاهدة المشاركة
طولي بالك اختنا هنوف الترجمه تاخد وقت طويل جدا و مجهود و تركيز كبير جدا جدا
بأذن الله راح نلبي طلبك و نترجم الجسله 17 مع بعض

اولا راح نفرغ الجلسه 17 نصيا عشان تسهل علينا الترجمه

واليكم النص :

In this session we are going to discuss and begin to solve a problem that has plagued most of us for a long long time. This is the issue of anger and anxiety and how these two negative emotions are tied together in our minds. This subject has been deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy saved until the end of the series because it takes a solid cognitive foundation first for you to begin to put this into place into your life effectively. As you already know by this time not everyone was social anxiety disorder is alike. But the vast majority of us have a history of unpleasantness stemming from our childhood be it a daily barrage of criticism emotional upheaval as in the home or family being put down by peers at school or some other emotionally traumatic event that we had to live through when we were younger. Since we are all different some of you may not have had a negative childhood and you may not need to use this next method. But listen to it please and judge for yourself because if you do need it it is an essential piece of the social anxiety puzzle. When we were younger we could not talk back or be assertive with those who are then in control of our lives. For example if an adult was critical of you while you were growing up his criticisms may have hurt and stung you but in most cases. You could not answer back because of your natural anxiety and fear. As children in adolescence we did not have the ability and many times the permission to be assertive. So what did we do with all the anger that was created in us because of these experiences. Since we couldn't get the anger out we buried it or repressed it. We couldn't fight back at that time and we weren't allowed to express our anger so what else could we do but hold it in. We have been holding in our anger for many many years. It is this buried anger that contributes to the vicious cycle of social anxiety. Now we need to be careful because anger is one of the more negative emotions. We want to be able to release our buried anger that is anger from the past without having to go back and revisit it. It will do us no good at all to go back and try to remember all the injustices we suffered at a younger age. That will only fan and fuel our symptoms and make everything worse. What we need to do is allow our minds to release let go and set free of varied anger from the past so the past no longer has any power over us. Know that the secret to doing this however is that we handle the buried anger in irrational positive manner we are not going to fan it or fuit we are not going to exacerbate it or deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy try to bring it to the surface. We need to handle anger in a general way. Not by remembering anything specific at all but simply by giving your brain permission to release this pent up anger in any legitimate way that it can. Notice we are not forgiving anyone here and we are not doing any analyzing about this we are simply going with the facts we have some buried repressed anger and us that occurred as a result of other people at another time in our lives. Nevertheless it is buried or repressed and our minds and we have to be the ones to let it go. This we will do in a general way not by looking for anything under the microscope. Let's begin the process with a few things you can say to yourself that will help. Edit this statement in any way that you want but you should say something along these lines. I have very repressed anger inside me due to years in years of emotional abuse. This is legitimate anger and I have every right to be angry. I was younger when this happened to me and I didn't know how to handle these situations. That's perfectly normal. Even though this was entirely unfair I know that complaining about it or rehashing it over and over will just make things worse. It does mean no good to dwell on these things anymore. In fact the more I do on the past the angrier and more helpless I feel. Instead I choose to move forward with my life. Although I cannot forget what happened in the past I can let go. Go of the emotional feelings the anger that is buried in my mind. Repressed anger is holding me back from living the kind of life I want to live. So for myself and for my own healing I let go of those old very negative emotions I set them free I release them I let them go. I give my brain permission to set those negative emotions free whether I am asleep or awake conscious or not conscious. I am going to live in the present and be free of the emotional garbage of the past. Our next hand out will help you to be able to set any buried or repressed anger free. It is called letting go of the negative past. Keep in mind that all you need to do is give your brain permission to let the negative repressed emotions go. After you have done that go on to something else that is all you need to do. However read this hand over every day for a while until you sense or feel a change in regard to your feelings about the past. That is you will still remember everything that happened to you at a younger age but there will come a time when there is no negative emotion associated with it. It is a fact but no longer do you need to feel any negative emotional Paul. What do I mean. I had some very negative things happen to me as a child. There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't criticized or put down or be low. Addled. I could never have my own opinion because I was always wrong. And because this bullying was so intense I could not fight back at my age. I buried all my anger years in years of it because there was no possible way I could have been assertive while this was going on. So as an adult my dilemma became how do I move beyond my past so that it no longer has such a negative emotional grip on me. And the solution to this dilemma was letting my mind release all my repressed anger. This process always takes some time to accomplish and you must stick with it. Making this statement one time is not going to do the trick. But if you go over this hand out every day until you notice some changes you will be on the right path. We do not want to be held back because of the buried anger inside us. That is our motive and that is why we are allowing our mind to let it go. Again we are not forgiving anyone and we are not excusing anyone we must be concerned here with our own health our own progress and our own life. If we had a traumatic past it was not our fault. But we want to move beyond it so that we can enjoy our present life today. This next handout is called letting go of the negative past embracing the positive and healing future. I. Accept myself for who I am. I have many good creative talents I can use to help others and myself. That old emotional baggage from the past can only drag me down so I reject it. I choose to live in the moment and be happy and content. When I am happy in the present moment it guarantees that my future will be happy. I give up and set free all the negativity of the past no matter how far down in my brain it is buried. I accept myself for who I am knowing that I am walking the road to becoming healthier. Any thought memory or experience in the past that is weighing my brain down today and causing my progress to stall I let it go I set it free I give it up. I give up anything that is buried in my past that makes me unhappy today. I take a deep breath. Loosen up my muscles feel the calmness and the peace and set free all the negative emotions of the past. I release the negative feelings that I repressed in the past. I can see they only harm me. So I release them and let them go. I watch as they disappear compleنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy into the air. Negative feelings and emotions can only weigh me down and cause me problems. So I choose to move. Howard I choose to move forward with a clear mind. I release all the negative emotion of the past. And I breathe in the positive power of my peacefulness. I accept this peace. I accept my calmness. I am free from the shame embarrassment and guilt of the past. I fully really set those negative emotions and set them free. I allow my mind to release them naturally. I choose to move forward into my peace my health and my clarity of thought. As I close my eyes I can see my own old negative feelings rise above me and disappear into the air. No longer to shame embarrassment or guilt buying me. No longer on my a captive of those negative emotions. All they do is hold me back make me miserable and make my thoughts confused and irrational. I let these negative emotions from the past go. My mind is releasing them now this very moment. As I set them free my mind feels more and more at peace. I choose peace tranquility understanding and confidence I choose to grow strong and healthy. I let go of the shackles that have held me down for so very long. I accept the good the better and the beautiful. I accept the rational truth that lies before me. And so I turn away from the old responses of the past and again I set them free. All the old negative emotions have no choice they must go away. They cannot co-exist in my mind with peace and strength and confidence. Shame guilt embarrassment and feelings of failure are nothing more than ways to hold me back. I set them free. I release them. I let them go. I accept myself and my healing. I allow my mind to work in a positive manner for my good and for my health. My strength comes now in the present as I release all my old negative emotions and deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy allow my mind to be saturated with rational realistic and healthy emotions. As I fix my gaze toward health I begin to feel peace string of confidence power and clarity. This feeling of peace and security is already inside me. And it will go stronger with time. I am in touch with my peace my calmness and my tranquility. Inside my peace there is. As healing and power. I accept these as part of my new life. No old negative emotion can stand in I way. I only accept this peace power confidence and healing. These emotions are much more powerful than anything from my past. Inside my peace I can find myself. I can find my purpose in life. I can find answers to all of my questions. Inside my quietness and my peace I can find my new life. So I accept them peace power calmness strength clarity of mind and purpose. They are mine. Please note again that your brain will take some time to accomplish the task of setting the buried in repressed emotions free. Be patient with yourself and with the process. Most people continue this until they can say that they still remember what happened to them as children but now there is no negative emotional feeling there. This is what happened to me I used to get very angry about my past and what was done to me as a child and an adolescent. But as I learned to set these buried emotions free and move forward with my life there came a time that I could look back see all the things that happened but no longer have the feeling of anger. I still know that it was wrong to do what was. Done To Me I am not making excuses for anyone's behavior. But for my own healing I had to let go of the emotional nightmares of my past. If I hadn't let them go I would still be bound by them. So read this over every day if it is a major piece of the social anxiety puzzle for you. You don't need to do anything else this process should be peaceable and calming. Stay away from any specifics or any delving into the past and just read over the handout it each day. You will get to your goal faster in this manner. To help further a more detailed and relaxing version of letting go of the negative past is on side B. of tape nineteen in this series. So as another means of moving forward and ahead in your life you can listen to this message on tape nineteen Any time you wish. You will have this token to you in a calm and peaceful manner and you have it in written hand out form as well. Choose whichever method works best for you or do both if you find that's more helpful. Now let's change the subject and look at a handout that puts together several strategies we have already learned. Everything will be familiar to you but this handout synthesizes some of the key concepts we need to reinforce. This handout is called what to do when the ants come crawling. Are you depressed. Get up get more active refused to give in to answer fatigue break the negative thinking cycle out by using distractions slow talk singing determine slow talk. Look up those handouts and do something do not except this aunt's depression break the cycle. If you break the cycle enough times depression has to shrink and cannot be a strong. Remember act against your negative feelings. Feel down and defeated. Remember that ants thoughts and feelings want to make you feel this way. They are deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy trying to sabotage you. Realize this and refused to let them do it. Get out your aunt's hand out the anxiety monster hand out decide to do some exercising jogging walking or dancing. Get busy and do something your thoughts and feelings of defeat will disappear. Feel like you're treading water and that you're not making any progress. Recognize this one as a big big and sly. You have made progress a lot of it or you wouldn't be reading this and doubt you would have already given up. But you didn't you made it this far and you can refuse to let the ants thoughts and feelings take control. You have control over your own thoughts and feelings. Remind yourself of the truth and reject and ignore those old lies. Read over the ants hand out the deserving statements and then. Moving in a positive direction statements. Listen to the deserving statements recording which is on tape nineteen side a. Then talk to yourself in determine slow talk and say I am moving ahead and that is just a fact. I don't care what lies the answer trying to make me think and feel. I know the truth and it is a fact. I turn my back on those lying ants and I am going to move on.

طبعا تجاهلت الجملتين الاستفتاحيه و الختاميه لانهم مالهم علاقه بمحتوى الجلسه

وهادا رابط الملف النصي رفعتو على احد المراكز لاني لاحظت ظهور الايموجي في المنتدى بدل بعض الكلمات

اضغط هنا

لي عوده بأذن الله

متاكد ان هذة الجلسة 17 كاملة؟ اشعر ان في بعض النشرات ناقصة


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 05:09 PM   #66
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

او ان هذا النص فقط جانب الاول من الشريط؟
لاني متاكدة ان في بعض النشرات ناقصة


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 07:18 PM   #67
عمر عبدالله
( عضو دائم ولديه حصانه )
[ نفس منفوسه ]

الصورة الرمزية عمر عبدالله
عمر عبدالله غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 54478
 تاريخ التسجيل :  09 2016
 أخر زيارة : اليوم (04:46 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,805 [ + ]
 التقييم :  16
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Saddlebrown

متاكد ان هذة الجلسة 17 كاملة؟ اشعر ان في بعض النشرات ناقصة
تجاهلت جمل بالنص لكن حرصت انها ما تأثر على معنى الجلسه عموما قدر استطاعتي حيث اني استنبطت الزبده فحسب , نعم هذي الجلسه 17 كامله بس مرتبطه مع الجلسات الباقيه ..
وهادا الجزء الاخير من الجلسه دمجته مع الاجزاء السابقه .. احترت بمصطلح ( النمله ) اللي استخدمه هل هو يقصد النمل حرفيا و معناً ام لها ترجمه اخرى لأنهم يستخدمون بعض المصطلحات ذات معنى و يريدون بها معناً اخر مختلف تماما عن معناها الاصلي للمثال Couch Potato تعني اريكه البطاطس و عاميا يستخدمونها و يطلقونها على الشخص الكسول this person is couch potato لو ترجمناها تطلع لنا بالشكل دا ( هذا الشخص اريكه البطاطس ) ولكن تعني ان هذا الشخص كسول !!

احترت و وضعتها كما هي

This is the issue of anger and anxiety and how these two negative emotions are tied together in our minds. This subject has been deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy saved until the end of the series because it takes a solid cognitive foundation first for you to begin to put this into place into your life effectively. As you already know by this time not everyone was social anxiety disorder is alike. But the vast majority of us have a history of unpleasantness stemming from our childhood be it a daily barrage of criticism emotional upheaval as in the home or family being put down by peers at school or some other emotionally traumatic event that we had to live through when we were younger. Since we are all different some of you may not have had a negative childhood and you may not need to use this next method. But listen to it please and judge for yourself because if you do need it it is an essential piece of the social anxiety puzzle. When we were younger we could not talk back or be assertive with those who are then in control of our lives. For example if an adult was critical of you while you were growing up his criticisms may have hurt and stung you but in most cases. You could not answer back because of your natural anxiety and fear. As children in adolescence we did not have the ability and many times the permission to be assertive. So what did we do with all the anger that was created in us because of these experiences. Since we couldn't get the anger out we buried it or repressed it. We couldn't fight back at that time and we weren't allowed to express our anger so what else could we do but hold it in. We have been holding in our anger for many many years. It is this buried anger that contributes to the vicious cycle of social anxiety. Now we need to be careful because anger is one of the more negative emotions. We want to be able to release our buried anger that is anger from the past without having to go back and revisit it. It will do us no good at all to go back and try to remember all the injustices we suffered at a younger age. That will only fan and fuel our symptoms and make everything worse. What we need to do is allow our minds to release let go and set free of varied anger from the past so the past no longer has any power over us. Know that the secret to doing this however is that we handle the buried anger in irrational positive manner we are not going to fan it or fuit we are not going to exacerbate it or deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy try to bring it to the surface. We need to handle anger in a general way. Not by remembering anything specific at all but simply by giving your brain permission to release this pent up anger in any legitimate way that it can. Notice we are not forgiving anyone here and we are not doing any analyzing about this we are simply going with the facts we have some buried repressed anger and us that occurred as a result of other people at another time in our lives. Nevertheless it is buried or repressed and our minds and we have to be the ones to let it go. This we will do in a general way not by looking for anything under the microscope. Let's begin the process with a few things you can say to yourself that will help. Edit this statement in any way that you want but you should say something along these lines. I have very repressed anger inside me due to years in years of emotional abuse. This is legitimate anger and I have every right to be angry. I was younger when this happened to me and I didn't know how to handle these situations. That's perfectly normal. Even though this was entirely unfair I know that complaining about it or rehashing it over and over will just make things worse. It does mean no good to dwell on these things anymore. In fact the more I do on the past the angrier and more helpless I feel. Instead I choose to move forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة with my life. Although I cannot forget what happened in the past I can let go. Go of the emotional feelings the anger that is buried in my mind. Repressed anger is holding me back from living the kind of life I want to live. So for myself and for my own healing I let go of those old very negative emotions I set them free I release them I let them go. I give my brain permission to set those negative emotions free whether I am asleep or awake conscious or not conscious. I am going to live in the present and be free of the emotional garbage of the past. Our next hand out will help you to be able to set any buried or repressed anger free. It is called letting go of the negative past. Keep in mind that all you need to do is give your brain permission to let the negative repressed emotions go. After you have done that go on to something else that is all you need to do. However read this hand over every day for a while until you sense or feel a change in regard to your feelings about the past. That is you will still remember everything that happened to you at a younger age but there will come a time when there is no negative emotion associated with it. It is a fact but no longer do you need to feel any negative emotional Paul. What do I mean. I had some very negative things happen to me as a child. There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't criticized or put down or be low. Addled. I could never have my own opinion because I was always wrong. And because this bullying was so intense I could not fight back at my age. I buried all my anger years in years of it because there was no possible way I could have been assertive while this was going on. So as an adult my dilemma became how do I move beyond my past so that it no longer has such a negative emotional grip on me. And the solution to this dilemma was letting my mind release all my repressed anger. This process always takes some time to accomplish and you must stick with it. Making this statement one time is not going to do the trick. But if you go over this hand out every day until you notice some changes you will be on the right path. We do not want to be held back because of the buried anger inside us. That is our motive and that is why we are allowing our mind to let it go. Again we are not forgiving anyone and we are not excusing anyone we must be concerned here with our own health our own progress and our own life. If we had a traumatic past it was not our fault. But we want to move beyond it so that we can enjoy our present life today. This next handout is called letting go of the negative past embracing the positive and healing future. I. Accept myself for who I am. I have many good creative talents I can use to help others and myself. That old emotional baggage from the past can only drag me down so I reject it. I choose to live in the moment and be happy and content. When I am happy in the present moment it guarantees that my future will be happy. I give up and set free all the negativity of the past no matter how far down in my brain it is buried. I accept myself for who I am knowing that I am walking the road to becoming healthier. Any thought memory or experience in the past that is weighing my brain down today and causing my progress to stall I let it go I set it free I give it up. I give up anything that is buried in my past that makes me unhappy today. I take a deep breath. Loosen up my muscles feel the calmness and the peace and set free all the negative emotions of the past. I release the negative feelings that I repressed in the past. I can see they only harm me. So I release them and let them go. I watch as they disappear compleنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy into the air. Negative feelings and emotions can only weigh me down and cause me problems. So I choose to move. Hoنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة I choose to move forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة with a clear mind. I release all the negative emotion of the past. And I breathe in the positive power of my peacefulness. I accept this peace. I accept my calmness. I am free from the shame embarrassment and guilt of the past. I fully really set those negative emotions and set them free. I allow my mind to release them naturally. I choose to move forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة into my peace my health and my clarity of thought. As I close my eyes I can see my own old negative feelings rise above me and disappear into the air. No longer to shame embarrassment or guilt buying me. No longer on my a captive of those negative emotions. All they do is hold me back make me miserable and make my thoughts confused and irrational. I let these negative emotions from the past go. My mind is releasing them now this very moment. As I set them free my mind feels more and more at peace. I choose peace tranquility understanding and confidence I choose to grow strong and healthy. I let go of the shackles that have held me down for so very long. I accept the good the better and the beautiful. I accept the rational truth that lies before me. And so I turn away from the old responses of the past and again I set them free. All the old negative emotions have no choice they must go away. They cannot co-exist in my mind with peace and strength and confidence. Shame guilt embarrassment and feelings of failure are nothing more than ways to hold me back. I set them free. I release them. I let them go. I accept myself and my healing. I allow my mind to work in a positive manner for my good and for my health. My strength comes now in the present as I release all my old negative emotions and deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy allow my mind to be saturated with rational realistic and healthy emotions. As I fix my gaze to health I begin to feel peace string of confidence power and clarity. This feeling of peace and security is already inside me. And it will go stronger with time. I am in touch with my peace my calmness and my tranquility. Inside my peace there is. As healing and power. I accept these as part of my new life. No old negative emotion can stand in I way. I only accept this peace power confidence and healing. These emotions are much more powerful than anything from my past. Inside my peace I can find myself. I can find my purpose in life. I can find answers to all of my questions. Inside my quietness and my peace I can find my new life. So I accept them peace power calmness strength clarity of mind and purpose. They are mine. Please note again that your brain will take some time to accomplish the task of setting the buried in repressed emotions free. Be patient with yourself and with the process. Most people continue this until they can say that they still remember what happened to them as children but now there is no negative emotional feeling there. This is what happened to me I used to get very angry about my past and what was done to me as a child and an adolescent. But as I learned to set these buried emotions free and move forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة with my life there came a time that I could look back see all the things that happened but no longer have the feeling of anger. I still know that it was wrong to do what was. Done To Me I am not making excuses for anyone's behavior. But for my own healing I had to let go of the emotional nightmares of my past. If I hadn't let them go I would still be bound by them. So read this over every day if it is a major piece of the social anxiety puzzle for you. You don't need to do anything else this process should be peaceable and calming. Stay away from any specifics or any delving into the past and just read over the handout it each day. You will get to your goal faster in this manner. To help further a more detailed and relaxing version of letting go of the negative past is on side B. of tape nineteen in this series. So as another means of moving forنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة and ahead in your life you can listen to this message on tape nineteen Any time you wish. You will have this token to you in a calm and peaceful manner and you have it in written hand out form as well. Choose whichever method works best for you or do both if you find that's more helpful. Now let's change the subject and look at a handout that puts together several strategies we have already learned. Everything will be familiar to you but this handout synthesizes some of the key concepts we need to reinforce. This handout is called what to do when the ants come crawling. Are you depressed. Get up get more active refused to give in to answer fatigue break the negative thinking cycle out by using distractions slow talk singing determine slow talk. Look up those handouts and do something do not except this aunt's depression break the cycle. If you break the cycle enough times depression has to shrink and cannot be a strong. Remember act against your negative feelings. Feel down and defeated. Remember that ants thoughts and feelings want to make you feel this way. They are deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy trying to sabotage you. Realize this and refused to let them do it. Get out your aunt's hand out the anxiety monster hand out decide to do some exercising jogging walking or dancing. Get busy and do something your thoughts and feelings of defeat will disappear. Feel like you're treading water and that you're not making any progress. Recognize this one as a big big and sly. You have made progress a lot of it or you wouldn't be reading this and doubt you would have already given up. But you didn't you made it this far and you can refuse to let the ants thoughts and feelings take control. You have control over your own thoughts and feelings. Remind yourself of the truth and reject and ignore those old lies. Read over the ants hand out the deserving statements and then. Moving in a positive direction statements. Listen to the deserving statements recording which is on tape nineteen side a. Then talk to yourself in determine slow talk and say I am moving ahead and that is just a fact. I don't care what lies the answer trying to make me think and feel. I know the truth and it is a fact. I turn my back on those lying ants and I am going to move on.

قضية القلق و الغضب السلبيه و علاقة ارتباطهما في اذهاننا . لابد ان تعرف ان الجميع لا يعانون من القلق الاجتماعي على حد سواء. الغالبيه العظمى منا لديهم ماضي سئ في طفولتهم
من الحوادث الصادمه عاطفيا مع عائلاتهم او زملائهم في المدرسه .وبما اننا جميعا مختلفون البعض منكم ربما لم يعش طفوله سيئه فلا تحتاجون الى تطبيق هذه الطريقه.
عندما كنا صغارا لم يكن بمقدورنا الرد على من يتحكمون في حياتنا او نكون حازمين معهم . للمثال اذا كان هناك شخص كثير الانتقاد فيك في طفولتك فإن انتقاداته قد تؤذيك وتلحق بك الاذى.
ولكنك لا تستطيع الرد عليه بسبب طبيعه قلقك و خوفك. ولأنك كنت طفلا فلم يكن لديك القدره على تكون حازما معه . اذن ماذا نفعل مع كميه الغضب التي خُلقت و ترسبت في نفوسنا بسبب تلك الخبرات السلبيه الماضيه .
لم يكن بإستطاعتنا ان ندفنها او نقمعها ولم يكن بمقدورنا ان نقاتل دفاعا عن انفسنا في ذاك الوقت ولم يُسمح لنا ان نعبر عن غضبنا اذن ماذا نفعل .تمهل !
لابد ان نحذر لإن الغضب واحد من اكثر المشاعر سلبيه . نريد ان نطلق غضبنا من جميع المظالم التي عانينا منها في صغرنا . ما نحتاج الى فعله هو تحرير اذهاننا
من كمية الغضب تلك حتى لا يكون للماضي سلطه علينا . السر فيما سنقوم به هو ان نتعامل مع غضبنا بطريقه ايجابيه سنتعامل مع غضبنا بشكل عام . ليس من خلال
تذكر احداث ماضينا ولكن ببساطه سنعطي اذناً لأدمغتنا لإطلاق غضبنا بطريقه شرعيه . لاحظ اننا هنا لسنا بصدد ان نغفر لأي احد ولا ان نقوم بتحليل مشاعر غضبنا نحن
ببساطه سوف نسمح لاذهاننا بأن تطلقها .

لنبدأ العمليه مع بعض العبارات التي يمكن ان تقولها لنفسك و من شأنها ان تساعدك . قم بتحرير العباره على هذا النحو .

( لقد قمت بقمع غضبي الناتج من الاعتداء العاطفي لسنوات و سنوات , و الغضب مشروع و لدي الحق لأن اغضب .
كنت صغيرا عندما حدث لي هذا و لم اكن اعرف كيفية التعامل مع هذه الحالات وهذا امر طبيعي .
على الرغم من أن هذا كان غير عادل تماما !! و اعلم ان كثرة التذمر مرارا و تكرارا سيجعل الامور اكثر سوءا فقط .
وبدلا من ذلك اخترت المضي قدما في حياتي على الرغم من أنني لا يمكن ان انسى ما حدث لي في الماضي .
لأجل نفسي و شفائي اسمح للمشاعر السلبيه القديمه ان تتحرر سواء كنت نائما او مستيقظا , واعيا او لا واعيا .
سوف اعيش الحاضر و احرر نفسي من ماضيّ ومن تلك المشاعر السلبيه )

طريقتنا التاليه قد تساعدك على ان تكون قادرا على تحرير اي غضب مكبوت و تسمى التخلي عن الماضي السلبي .

ضع بعين الاعتبار ان كل ما تحتاج ان تفعله هو ان تعطي اذناً لذهنك من ان يطلق المشاعر السلبيه .
بعد ان تفعل ذلك دعها تذهب الى اي شئ اخر و هذا هو كل ما عليك القيام به . اقرأ هذا الجانب كل يوم لفتره من الوقت حتى تشعر بتغيير فيما يتعلق بمشاعرك حول الماضي .
هذا و سوف تزال تذكر كل ما حدث لك في صغرك و لكن سوف يأتي الوقت الذي تختفي فيه تلك المشاعر السلبيه . انها حقيقه لا حاجه الى ان تشعر بتلك المشاعر السلبيه .
حدثت لي بعض المواقف السلبيه عندما كنت طفلا . لم اتمكن من ابداء رأيي الخاص لأنني كنت دائما مخطئا .
و دفنت كل غضبي لسنوات لانه لم يكن هناك طريقه . و كان حل تلك المعضله هو السماح لذهني في اطلاق كل غضبي المكبوت .
هذه العمليه تستغرق وقتا لانجازها يجب ان تلتزم بها حتى تلاحظ بعض التغييرات .

مره اخرى نحن لا نغفر و لا نعذر اي شخص . يجب ان نهتم بصحتنا , بتقدمنا , بحياتنا الخاصه .
اذا كان لدينا ماضي سئ فهذا ليس خطأنا . ولكن نريد ان تجاوزه حتى نتمكن من التمتع بحياتنا الحاضره اليوم .

يطلق على النشره القادمه التخلي عن الماضي السلبي و احتضان المستقبل الايجابي .

( اني اقبل نفسي و لدي الكثير من المواهب التي تمكنني من مساعدة نفسي و الاخرين . تلك المشاعر القديمه التي من ماضينا قادرة على اسقاطي
لذلك ارفضها . اني اختار ان اعيش حياتي الحاضره و اكون سعيدا و راضيا . عندما اكون سعيدا في الحاضر اضمن ان مستقبلي سيكون سعيدا .
اني اتخلى عن ماضيّ السلبي و اقبل نفسي كما هي لأصبح اكثر صحه . كل ذكرياتي السابقه سوف احررها و اتخلى عن كل مشاعري المدفونه
التي من شأنها ان تجعلني غير سعيد . اخذ نفس عميقا .. و ارخي عضلاتي و اشعر بالهدوء و السلام و احرر كل مشاعري السلبيه الماضيه التي تؤذيني .
لذلك احررها و اسمح لها بالذهاب . اني اشاهدها تختفي تماما في الهواء . العواطف السلبيه قادره على ارهاقي و ان تسبب لي المشكلات .
لذلك اخترت ان امضي قدما بعقل صافي و اتنفس بقوه ايجابيه لسلامتي . اني اقبل هذا السلام و الهدوء . انا حر من عار و اثم الماضي .
اني حقا احرر تلك المشاعر السلبيه و اسمح لها بالتحرر بشكل طبيعي . اخترت المضي قدما لسلامتي و صحتي و صفاء فكري .
وانا اغلق عيني استطيع ان ارى مشاعري السلبيه القديمه ترتفع فوق في الهواء و تختفي . لم يعد العار و الذنب يعتيريني
لم اعد اسيرا لتلك المشاعر السلبيه . كلها تجعلني بائسا و تجعل افكاري مشتته و غير عقلانيه . اسمح لتلك المشاعر السلبيه ان تذهب
و ان يحررها ذهني في هذه اللحظه بالذات . اني اشعر بالسلام اكثر و اكثر . اخترت ان اعيش قويا و مستصحا . اني احرر نفسي من الاغلال التي كانت تصفدني لفتره طويله جدا
اني اقبل الشئ الافضل و الجميل و ابتعد عن مشاعري السلبيه و احررها مره اخرى . كل عواطفي السلبيه القديمه لا خيار لها يجب ان تذهب .
ولا يمكن لها ان تتواجد في ذهني مع السلام و القوه و الثقه . اني اطلق سراحها و ادعها تذهب فحسب . اسمح لذهني بالعمل بطريقه ايجابيه من اجل صحتي .
اشعر بقوتي تأتي الان بالوقت الحاضر كما انني افرج عن جميع مشاعري السلبيه و اتشبع بالعقلانيه و الواقعيه و المشاعر الصحيه .
وابدأ بالشعور بالثقه و القوة و الصفاء هذا الشعور موجود بالفعل في داخلي وسوف يكون اقوى مع مرور الوقت . اني اقبله كجزء من حياتي الجديده .
لا يمكن للعواطف السلبيه القديمه ان تقف في طريقي . اني اقبل فقط الثقه و القوه و السلام . تلك المشاعر اقوى بكثير من اي شي حدث لي في الماضي .
في داخل السلام استطيع ان اجد نفسي و اجد كل الاجابات لكل اسئلتي . في داخل الهدوء و السلام يمكنني العثور على حياتي الجديدة .
لذلك اقبل السلام و الهدوء انهم ملكي )

ارجو الملاحظه ان عقلك سوف يستغرق بعض الوقت لتحرير تلك المشاعر السلبيه المدفونه . كن صبورا مع نفسك و مع هذه العمليه .
معظم الناس يستمرون حتى يتمكنوا من تذكر ما حدث لهم في طفولتهم و لكن بدون عواطف سلبيه .
هذا ما حدث لي كنت غاضبا من ماضيَ و ما فعلوه بي في طفولتي . ولكن لانني وضعت تلك المشاعر المدفونه جانبا و اخترت المضي قدما في حياتي
اصبحت قادرا على النظر الى الوراء وما حدث لي دون اي شعور بالغضب . انا لا اصنع اعذارا لسلوكياتهم و افعالهم ولكن من اجل صحتي سمحت للمشاعر السلبيه المزروعه
من ماضي ان تتحرر . اذا لم اسمح لها بالتحرر سأظل مقيدا بها .

اقرأ هذا مره تلو الاخرى كل يوم و لا تحتاج للقيام بأي شي اخر فقط اقرأ هذه النشره كل يوم و سوف تحقق هدفك اسرع بهذه الطريقه .

لننتقل الآن الى نشره اخرى تدعى ما يجب القيام به عندما يأتي النمل زحفا . هل انت مكتئب ؟ تصرف ضد مشاعرك السلبيه
تذكر ان الافكار و المشاعر تلك تريد ان تجعلك تشعر بهذه الطريقه و انها تتعمد على اعطابك . ادرك هذا و ارفض ان تسمح لها
بالقيام بذلك . اشغل نفسك و افعل اي شئ من شأنه ان يجعل تلك الافكار و المشاعر ان تختفي . لديك القدره على رفض تلك الافكار و المشاعر
و كشف الحقيقه و ارفض و تجاهل تلك الاكاذيب . ثم تحرك تجاه الجانب الايجابي و تحدث مع نفسك ببطئ و قل اني امضي قدما و هذه هي الحقيقه .
لا اهتم بالاكاذيب التي تحاول ان تجعلني ان افكر و اشعر بهذه الطريقه . اعرف الحقيقه و اضع كل تلك الاكاذيب وراء ظهري و امضي قدما .


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2017, 07:52 PM   #68
عمر عبدالله
( عضو دائم ولديه حصانه )
[ نفس منفوسه ]

الصورة الرمزية عمر عبدالله
عمر عبدالله غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 54478
 تاريخ التسجيل :  09 2016
 أخر زيارة : اليوم (04:46 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,805 [ + ]
 التقييم :  16
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Saddlebrown

يمكن ما تكون الترجمه بالشكل المطلوب و اللي كنتي تتمنيه بس اعذريني هادا اقصى ما وصلت اليه قدرتي
وبالتأكيد لو اخدتي الجلسه و طلبتي من احد المترجمين المحترفين و المتمكنين باللغه بترجمتها راح يفاجئك بالنتيجه و يرضيك بها


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة عمر عبدالله ; 10-06-2017 الساعة 07:54 PM

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 02:53 AM   #69
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

في نشرات مو مترجمة موجودة في الجلسة؟


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 02:58 AM   #70
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

هاذي النشرات مو موجودة في الترجمة

Seeking perfection only leads to frustration and defeat.
Why should I expect perfection? Why should I set myself up for
frustration and defeat?
Instead, I will do my best, and then move on. I can never make
anything "perfect". My best is good enough.
I can do the best I can. That is all I can ever do -- and it is always
If I search for perfection, I will never find it. It will always elude
me. I will be trapped in anxiety and defeat.
If I try to be perfect, the ANTs thoughts and feelings will cause me
stress, doubt, confusion and turmoil.
I choose to slow down, reach my peace zone, get clarity of mind and do
what I can do.
That is always good enough. I don't need to push for the impossible.
I will do my best and my best is good enough.
Human beings are never "perfect". It is a futile, impossible task to
even attempt. All I can do is my best -- and my best is good enough.
As I live in my peace zone, I realize that my mind can be clear, I can
do what I need to do, and then I can move forward.
I move on and I move forward because I did what I could. I did my best
under the circumstances. That is more than good enough.
I make mistakes like everyone else. It's no big deal. It proves that
I'm human. It does no good to try to be Superman.
The more I pressure myself into doing a perfect job, the more problems
I cause for myself.
So, I deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy slow down, relax, calm myself and accept the peace
and strength that belongs to me.
Perfectionism leads to negative, anxious thoughts and emotions. Trying
to be perfect is a big ANT. It is doomed to failure and it will make
me an unhappy person.
Instead, I choose to go with the truth. I choose reality. I can do
what I can do. And that is enough.
I can gently, nicely, and peaceably move on.
I am not perfect. No one is perfect. It does no good to try.
I clear out my mind, settle myself down, and do what I am capable of
doing. There is strength and power in this peace.
If I do what I am capable of doing, that is enough, and I can move on.
Trying to be the best at something is competitive, comparative, and
fuels ANTs thinking.
I choose the path of acceptance and calmness. By choosing this
pathway, I feel better, get more quality work done, and am able to move
on and move forward.
My peace and my calmness are stronger than myoid perfectionism.
I am a human being and I can't expect and seek after perfection.
I can accept peace, calmness, and strength. They allow me to do what
needs to be done in a time-efficient manner. I deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy reject the
striving, pressuring feelings. I deliberaنقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةy accept my calmness, my
peace, and my progress.
I am moving ahead in the right manner. I accept my strengths and
I am moving ahead into my peace zone.
I will get more done by living in my peace and my strength.
I accept this positive emotion and I move on in calmness and in
I am whole.


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 03:00 AM   #71
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

ماعرف كيف ارسلك النشرات عشان يطلع ايموجي


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 03:04 AM   #72
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 03:05 AM   #73
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 03:14 AM   #74
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

هذا هو الملف 👆

وهذا عنوان النشرات الغير مترجمة انا متاكدة هذي النشرات موجودة في الجلسة ولم تترجم اسفة تعبتك معاي


Stay Away from Perfectionism and Pressure
ص 118

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة هنووووف ; 11-06-2017 الساعة 03:18 AM

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2017, 03:48 AM   #75
عضـو مُـبـدع

الصورة الرمزية هنووووف
هنووووف غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 55073
 تاريخ التسجيل :  11 2016
 أخر زيارة : 02-10-2024 (03:25 PM)
 المشاركات : 271 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 الجنس ~
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

واسفة مرة ثانية اذا تعبتك معاية


رد مع اقتباس
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